The iMPRoVE Platform

The iMPRoVE (Measures for Providers Responding to Victimization Experiences) platform is a free customizable outcome measurement platform. It has built-in data collection and visualization tools for providers, agencies, and organizations that offer help or support for persons impacted by crime.

  • iMPRoVE measures the impact of program services, including the extent of the the physical, emotional, social, economic, and legal needs of persons impacted by crime were met by the services they received
  • iMPRoVE measures service quality, including perceptions of accessibility and utility of services, referrals, and staff
  • iMPRoVE allows providers, agencies, and organizations to select measures that best fit the intended outcomes of their programs
  • iMPRoVE uses best practices in survey research and accounts for different types of service providers, agencies, and organizations having different intended outcomes of services

Why collect outcome measures?

Improve service delivery by identifying strengths and challenges.

Boost staff/team morale by demonstrating areas of excellence.

Redirect unsuccessful work practices by identifying areas for improvement and training.

Give clients a voice in services and how they are delivered.

Demonstrate responsible stewardship of public and private financial support.

Prove that funds are making a difference for persons impacted by crime with empirical data.

What if I don't have time to analyze the data or know how?

The iMPRoVE platform offers an easy-to-use built-in data dashboard that automatically presents your data for you in real time. Aggregate survey responses are displayed in charts and graphics that can be easily exported for use in presentations and reports.

How do I get started?

The first step to using the iMPRoVE patform is to create a free account.

Use the Module Selection Wizard' to identify core outcome measures that fit your program.

Once your account has been verified you can sign in to create your tool.