The iMPRoVE (Measures for Providers Responding to Victimization Experiences) platform is designed to help service providers better understand, from the perspective of the people they serve, whether their services are achieving their intended outcomes. It has a range of features including, built-in data collection and visualization tools.
The following resources will help you use the platform and tool, collect and explore your data, and learn how to use the findings to best support those you serve. If you need additional support, please contact our helpdesk under the GET HELP tab.
Step-by-step instructions on how to use the platform features.
Step-by-step videos on how to use the platform features.
Creating and Logging in to an iMPRoVE Account
Step-by-step instructions for creating an account and logging in to iMPRoVE.
Selecting the Appropriate Module
Step-by-step instructions for how to select the base survey that best fits your program's intended outcomes.
Creating or Deleting an iMPRoVE Tool
Step-by-step instructions for accessing and sharing links to the tool with persons receiving services.
Generating and Sharing Links to the Tool
Step-by-step instructions for creating and deleting an iMPRoVE tool.
Finding and Exploring the Data
Step-by-step instructions for how to find and explore your data on the iMPRoVE platform.
Shortening Links
Step-by-step instructions for shortening links to share with persons receiving services.
Offering the Tool to Persons Receiving Services
Step-by-step instructions for how to offer the tool to persons who received services.
Additional resources for using iMPRoVE
Example Handout for Persons Receiving Services
An example handout to share with persons receiving services about the opportunity to provide their feedback about your services. It can be customized to your agency by including your unique link or QR code.
ViewExample Guide for Staff Offering the Tool
An example guide for staff who are offering the tool to persons receiving services. You can download it and adapt it for how your agency plans to offer the tool.
ViewQuick Start Implementation Guide
A guide that will help you develop an plan for how to set up iMPRoVE and begin collecting data at your agency.
ViewWhen & How Training Worksheet
A fillable form worksheet to accompany the "When & How Training" recording. This worksheet will help users plan their data collection strategy.
ViewStaff Training Powerpoint Slides
A powerpoint slide deck to accompany the "How to Train Your Staff to Administer iMPRoVE" training.
ViewIntroduction to iMPRoVE Tool Webinar - October 2nd
Get an introduction to the iMPRoVE tool – what it offers, why and how it was created, and a quick look at how it functions.
Sign UpiMPRoVE Onboarding 101 - October 16th
Ready to start? Learn the basics of how to use iMPRoVE on October 16th from 1-2:30pm ET.
Sign UpiMPRoVE Office Hours - October 22nd
Connect with other iMPRoVE users, discuss strategies/challenges, and ask questions on October 22nd from 12-1pm ET.
Sign UpIntroduction to iMPRoVE Tool Webinar - November 13th
Get an introduction to the iMPRoVE tool – what it offers, why and how it was created, and a quick look at how it functions.
Sign UpIntroduction to iMPRoVE Tool Webinar - December 11th
Get an introduction to the iMPRoVE tool – what it offers, why and how it was created, and a quick look at how it functions.
Sign UpArchived recordings of previous live events.
Recording: Overview of iMPRoVE
Learn more about iMPRoVE and how this free tool can help your agency measure program outcomes and service quality.
Recording: Onboarding to iMPRoVE 101
Ready to Start? This recording will overview the basics of how to use iMPRoVE.
Recording: When & How to Administer iMPRoVE
Learn about when and how to administer iMPRoVE. Download the accompanying worksheet under “General Resources” to complete during the training.
Recording: How to Train Your Staff to Administer iMPRoVE
This training will present strategies for your staff to effectively administer the iMPRoVE tool to persons receiving services at your organization.
Recording: Accessing & Understanding Your Data
Learn how to access your iMPRoVE data and the different ways you can use it